
Outside of manufacturing our own brand name hosiery label, Silkytones affords retailers the opportunity to create unique and exclusive footwear and legwear lines while remaining true to Silkytones’ innovative design process and superior fit and finish. Although the everyday consumer isn’t always aware of Silkytones’ involvement with their favorite hosiery brand, they repeatedly choose our products over other market offers.

The overwhelming retail response to our superior socks, tights, pantyhose and foot covers has continued to push the Silkytones name to the top of the list as a trusted manufacturer and importer for the hosiery industry. We are now numbered among the best in the business, and have expanded our lines to reach more markets and more consumer audiences.

The following is a short sampling of the private labels that are made possible by Silkytones. We are happy to accommodate your next hosiery production project, and invite you to connect with us here.

  • Silkytoes
  • Silkabelle
  • Beautone